Monday, 4 February 2008

Corporate Cowpat Awards 1

From time to time, I fall into the inevitable trap of feeling as though I am very much 'stuck' at home with my boy and longing for involvement in the outside, adult world of work. This is thoroughly irrational, because I only ever had one good, music-related job that I enjoyed - all the rest have made me feel as though I was about to lose the plot...

Still, every so often, an absolute gem of a Corporate Cowpat flops down from the sky, and makes me realise that I'm far better off where I am, because work is clearly where a lot of very stupid people hang out...

Last week, the Golden Cowpat award went to UK high street retailer Woolworths, for trying to flog a little girls' bed by naming it Lolita.

It's not so much the unfortunate brand name that made me laugh, nor the flustered ruffling of feathers that it caused among the mums' internet forum whose complaints led to the product's eventual withdrawal. It was the following explanation given by a spokesperson for the company.

"The staff who run the website had never heard of Lolita and to be honest no one else here had either. We had to look it up on Wikipedia. But we know who she is now."

Well thank goodness for that.

Perhaps now, the newly-enlightened Woolworths staff, and uptight mums' forum users might care to take a second look at this Bratz 'twin baby doll' product still on sale in Woolworths. Yes, you read it correctly. Twin BABY dolls. With matching twin buggy & sexy lingerie, slutty make-up, and frankly filthy pouts.

Once they have done so, perhaps they would tell me if they still believe they picked the right sexualised product to get all het up about?

Whilst I'm on the subject of corporate horseshit, here's someone else who should be sacked immediately; the person responsible for corporate communications at Percepta. They recently ran a job ad in our local paper containing the following delightful examples of contemporary jargon:

'Percepta UK is an innovative and progressive customer relationship management organisation who are seeking key people to champion our values and whose primary focus is to deliver quality customer service'

Well that was snappy - I'm hooked already, do tell me more...oh, I see, you want someone to be responsible for...

'Designing, developing and delivering operational learning solutions aligned to business objectives...'

Ah. Someone to do your training then...why didn't you just say so? I'm still not sure what you actually do, although I'm getting a very good picture of the type of employee you're looking for.

In the meantime, please step forward to receive your Corporate Cowpat Special Award for 'The Week's Best Bit of Buzzword-Loaded Bollocks'.

My sincerest congratulations to these shining examples of how to reach the bottom of the business barrel and keep on digging. Ricky Gervais is probably writing a brand new BAFTA, Emmy & Golden Globe-winning script in your honour as we speak.


Maria said...

Ah yes...I have such fond memories of dressing my Liv in her little Bratz outfits when she was an infant....:)

Melissaria said...

The mind really does.

I mean, waht does a self-respecting mother say to her ambitious daughter these days? 'Well, darling, it's not just acting and teaching that's available to women these days you know - you can be anything you want to be, an astronaut, a neurosurgeon, a civil engineer...just make sure you look like a porn star on a photo shoot at all times, and you'll be just fine, there's a good girl...'.

Apparently these dolls also come with baby bottles slung on chains around their necks. Around their necks...for f*ck's sake, people!

Shazza said...

My daughter was too old to play with the BRATZ dolls luckily, but when I first saw them in the store I couldn't believe how slutty they looked.

Some of my favorite corporate buzzwords are: vertical segments and market penetration. When I hear about KPI's and SLA's I get hot!

Melissaria said...

Oooh, do you work in marketing? Evil genius...

I have to admit, I can cope with KPIs and market penetration, but have never heard of SLAs or vertical segments - and that's probably for the best! Urgh, it all takes me back to my last job, which was all system-speak - JENs, X, Y & Z-jobs, BUDFORS, it was horrible...horrible!!