Friday, 2 November 2007

And in other news...

My little boy started walking yesterday!

He makes me laugh - for some reason known only to himself, he will only do it if he is holding his shoes in his hands. Take them away, and he's on his arse.

He is an odd bod sometimes, but I am so proud of him.


Anonymous said...

You`ve inspired me to start learning a new piece of music on the piano. What are your favourite classical pieces?
I too have just opened a new bank account, I`d best make sure they aren`t going to lend me money in a caught you out sort of way.

Melissaria said...

Hi Claudia and welcome!

Yes do keep an eye on those bank charges, they really can be bastards, and it's so easy to just file or bin the notices without looking. They know that, I am sure.

Glad to hear you're having a go at a new piano piece, I really must do the same at some point, my fingers have become very 'woolly' indeed; if you're a pianist, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean! My personal favourites are Clair de Lune by Debussy, and Nocturne by Grieg (Op. 54 no 4). They're technically not that difficult, but are always appreciated by listeners, even when they're a bit woolly...